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The Smart Woman's Guide to Starting a Business


The author, Vickie Montgomery, September 25, 2022

Over 300 Internet sites to help you start your own business.

In this completely revised edition (it's not just the cover that has changed), learn more about the basics for starting and growing a large or small business. Now you can follow your heart and live your own dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur. You will find resources that are devoted specifically to: home-based entrepreneurs; minority women business owners; Canadian women business owners; and franchise opportunities for women -- not to mention all of the names, addresses, and resources devoted to women! This book is designed to take you into the 21st century and to help you prosper on your own! It provides both the encouragement and the practical advice from someone who has been working on her own successfully for many years. Learn how to access over 300 different Internet sites to learn more about women business ownership. This trend continues to grow in leaps and bounds. A new chapter is devoted completely to keeping up with technology -- including how to market online and whether or not you need to purchase a computer (not everyone does).

You will find numerous graphs, charts and worksheets to help you through the maze of starting your own business. In addition, the chapter on business plans has been expanded to include a micro-business plan for those starting very small businesses.

Everything you need to get you started is in this book! You no longer have to dream about becoming your own boss -- follow these steps (as thousands already have) and find freedom and happiness in your new career.

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