

Paperback - 304 pages (November 2000) by Tim Burns

"Every day is High Noon on the Internet," cautions the author, who compares this period of great opportunity in Internet-related activities to the Wild West of the mid-nineteenth century, where there were no rules, only losers and winners. Burns, a consultant in business and law for start-up companies, offers advice on the immense possibilities for entrepreneurs and for existing businesses seeking to maximize their potential in the new economy. Key to his advice is ePlan, his flexible framework for developing a business plan in today's economic climate, which will serve as a blueprint for obtaining venture capital funding. Required skills for a successful Internet entrepreneur are these: compelling vision, versatile planning, driving passion, and confident execution. While this is clearly an infomercial for Burns' consulting business, prospective entrepreneurs can find valuable insight and ideas in this book as they embark on the risky but exhilarating path to a successful Internet business.

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