

The Complete Psychiatric Examination


$95.00 Video - ISBN: 1892904160; 88 Minutes VHS>

Go inside the psychiatrist's office to discover the secrets of the complete psychiatric examination. The various aspects of the complete psychiatric examination are explained and demonstrated by Harvard Medical School Professors Thomas Gutheil, MD and Gerald E Kochansky, PhD.�

The tape covers:

  • The Battery of Psychological Tests

    • Personality Tests

    • Intelligence Tests

    • Neuropsychological Screening Tests

  • The Clinical Psychiatric Examination�

    • Detailed History

    • Mental Status Exam

  • Forming an Opinion

    • Battery of Psychological Tests

    • Clinical Presentation

    • Key Documentary Records�

  • Answers to Frequently Asked Questions Regarding:

    • �Right� or �Wrong� Answers, Neuropsychology, Confounding Factors, Detecting Fakes, Memory Testing, The Psychologist�s Role, Skeptics of Psychiatry, Improper Testing, �Compensation� and �Decompen sation�, �Fake Good� and �Fake Bad�, Reliability and Validity of Projective Tests, and much more.

About the Screenwriters:

Thomas G. Gutheil, MD
is a Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and former Visiting Lecturer, Harvard Law School. Recipient of every major award in forensic psychiatry and multiple teaching and writing awards, Dr. Gutheil was listed in the 1994 edition of Best Doctors in America. He is President of the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law, the national forensic psychiatric organization, and Co-Director of the Program in Psychiatry and the Law, Mass. Mental Health Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. He has lectured world-wide, and some of his 200-plus publications have been translated into other languages. Dr. Gutheil lives and works in the Boston area.

Gerald E. Kochansky, Ph.D.
is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. His expertise in the administration and interpretation of psychological tests in both clinical and forensic settings is considerable. In the past, as a full-time member of the Clinical Psychology Service at the Massachusetts Mental Health Center (MMHC), he team-taught a seminar on the integration of psychodiagnosis and psychotherapy and supervised Harvard Medical School residents in psychiatry, as well as psychology interns in psychological testing; currently he supervises both psychiatry residents and psychology interns at MMHC in psychotherapy. Dr. Gutheil and other prominent forensic psychiatrists have called upon Dr. Kochansky to aid them in the administration of tests to individuals and in the interpretation of test results as they relate to complex forensic issues. In addition to teaching and consultation, Dr. Kochansky maintains a private psychotherapy practice at Brookline, MA.

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