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No-Nonsense Marketing :

101 Practical Ways to Win and Keep Customers

By Victor Prushan, paperback, 282 pgs, April 1997.

Editorial Reviews

The publisher, John Wiley & Sons

Victor Prushan, with over 30 years of experience and observation in marketing, offers 101 practical ideas and tips on how to keep your marketing competitive and your customers coming back for more. He shows how to competitively launch an idea or product by discussing quality products, right prices, good distribution, effective advertising, customer needs and satisfaction in a clear and "no-nonsense" style.

From the Back Cover

"Vic Prushan does not just talk about how to give the customer more than is expected, he delivers. [No-Nonsense Marketing is] incisive and thought-provoking, yet hard-hitting and practical. I recommend this book highly to managers of all businesses, large and small."�Jack D. Lantz, President and CEO, Unitek Miyachi Corporation

"Whether you have an MBA or learned about marketing from the school of hard knocks, Prushan's No-Nonsense Marketing will remind you of things you should not have... read more

About the Author VICTOR H. PRUSHAN is the founder and head of VHP Associates, a marketing consulting firm, whose clients range from small service firms to high-tech and Fortune 500 manufacturing companies. An active speaker who presents seminars and workshops on marketing management and competitive strategies, he has over 30 years of marketing experience as a consultant and with companies such as Texas Instruments and Litton Industries."

To request his services or that of other experts.

No-Nonsense Marketing :

SKU W0471157074
