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Why not use the most widespread marketing medium available? The VHS videotape! Take advantage of the turn key capabilities of the Synergy software suite to produce video based presentations for products, services, training or any message that you need to present with the best possible impact.

The Synergy software suite runs on any Windows PC, taking advantage of the built in sound and video cards as well as the CD-ROM drive to allow broadcast quality video creation. Synergy also comes with presentation tools such as the Synergy Presenter, which allows direct on the spot modifications without interrupting the presentation.


Over 700 royalty free 16 million color images


The full suite comes with over 10 modules, ranging from image and audio editing tools to full presentation utilities. Image banks containing backgrounds, bullets, bars, plaques and all in high-resolution graphics with over 16 million colors. No more cartoon like clipart.  


For audio, Synergy delivers with hundreds of jingles, voice and FX clips and feature length sound tracks with over 16 minutes of playing time. All in full 44 kHz stereo playback. A complete video tutorial on a VHS tape offers a fast way to learn the steps and gives design and layout tips without the need to scan through a manual.


Software that runs FAST! No extra hardware needed!


Synergy delivers performance, with full 24 bit color resolution and full screen images and mixing background music with voice overlays and sound effects without missing a beat. A Pentium system is recommended but a 486 system with 4 MB will do the job as well, take advantage of the hardware that you already have invested in.


Detailed product description:


The Synergy suite comes with all the components needed to author professional VHS videotapes. Including graphics, audio, voice overlay and even hardware options to allow direct recording from computer to tape.


There are over 10 modules that make up the Synergy suite. They comprise the following:


Synergy Launcher


Synergy Launcher allows full access to all the Synergy tools by a click of a mouse button. The floating window will always stay on top of any Windows application allowing you to activate any Synergy tool at any time.


Synergy Launcher - quick access


Synergy Presenter

Presenter is a project manager that controls your slides, the Music Bank, Audio FX Bank, Speech Bank and the Theatre Sound CD with a click of a button. Imagine a program that let's you be in charge. Want to move to slide #17, or insert an audio clip? Just click a button. Our multiple features can also be combined. Presenter also comes with a dashboard control panel for full control of your presentation.

Synergy Presenter offers an intuitive dashboard


Synergy Slide Presenter


Synergy slide presenter is a multi functional authoring toolkit to mix audio, visuals and effects for full VHS tape production or multimedia presentations. Work with high resolution bitmaps in full color, take advantage of our advanced screen draw technology to allow professional high quality images. Mix in background music from the Synergy Theatre Sound CD or your own choice of music. Create special effects and transitions, synchronize voice clips with music and slides. Use several audio channels to allow voice overlay and sound effects inserts. Slide presenter uses a project based file format to allow work on very large presentations with hundreds of images and audio clips. Modify the structure and layout of a presentation by a click of a button.


Synergy slide presenter, mix visuals and audio


Synergy Maestro


Use audio to capture your audience, 25% of the impression of a presentation is directly related to the audience queues. Background music, audio clips, sound effects and voice overlays all bring together a professional image. Insert an audio CD into your CD-ROM drive and let Synergy mix it with your audio clips and speech. Navigate through the hundreds of supported audio files on the Synergy Music Bank. Standard Windows .wav format is supported to allow import of sampled sounds and effects. Midi song format and .avi movie file formats are also supported to allow previewing of full motion - full screen video files.


Synergy Maestro - the audio tool of choice


Synergy Mosaic


Browse with ease through hundreds of images with Synergy Mosaic. As the full Synergy suite comes with over 700 images, Mosaic provides the speed to browse through backgrounds, bullets and bars. Maximize a full screen version of the image or use scaled versions for images larger than the screen resolution.


Mosaic - browse with speed


Synergy Painter


Use the image editor that does the job in full 16 million color bitmaps, add bullets, bars and fonts with speed. Use standard Windows .bmp bitmap files, overlay any image file such as presentations graphics, scanned images or any text format. Painter allows direct scaling of fonts, color and size modification directly on the clipboard with no delay. Work with any image size, full 1600 x 1600 print media screens or 32 x 32 pixel icons.


Painter - image editing for professionals


Synergy Charter


Tired of the limitations of your standard charting program that only delivers boring line drawn images? Want a tool that does any graph there is in full bitmap pixel by pixel graphics? Be it bars, pies, lines or columns, just add them as you want. Take advantage of over a palette of over 16 million colors to allow a wide selection of colors for identifying data.


Synergy charter is the tool for presentation data


Synergy Image Bank


The Synergy Image Bank comes with over 700 royalty free images, ready to be used in any presentation, print media or videotape demonstration. The images are divided into bars, bullets, plaques both vertical and horizontal. A full set of background screen in either 640x480 or 1024x768 pixel sizes are available. The CD comes with a full color image catalogue for easy browsing.


Synergy Image Bank - textures and graphics


Synergy Audio Bank


Hundreds of audio clips - sound effects - short music clips and speech patterns. The clips are divided into three main themes to allow easy design with a particular message in mind. Conservative or liberal, depending on the message that is delivered.


Synergy Theatre Sound CD


A full length CD, with background CD music, for presentation audio or video background music. All with full 44 kHz audio quality, ranging from 6 to 16 minutes in length. These sounds are royalty free and can be used in broadcast situations.


Synergy Video Master


Synergy Video Master is a video tutorial that goes through a step by step introduction to the Synergy tools as well as presentation design and media composition. This is the perfect tool to get up and running quickly and easily without spending hours reading a manual.


Synergy Reader's Master


Synergy Reader's Master is a comprehensive manual that goes through a thorough tutorial of the tool set as well as design examples and guides. A complete section covers video recording and video presentation techniques over how to create a full video presentation.

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