How to Sell Yourself


$14.99 Paperback - 208 pages 1st edition (February 2002) by Arch Lustberg.

How many people do you know who have a knack for connecting with others? Very few of us are born with it. The rest of us need to learn it. This book explains in clear, simple, easy-to-understand, common sense terms the skills you need to develop to get your message across in any speaking situation.

The secret of winning communication is "likeability". Some people call it warmth. Some call it charm or charisma. Whatever name you give it, likeability can be learned. If you know how to use it to communicate effectively, it will improve your chances for success in every aspect of your life.

Arch Lustberg, an acclaimed speaker, teacher and coach has filled this book with practical skills. He demonstrates how you can sell yourself, your ideas and your organization. This book is about how to use your mind, your face, your body, and your voice to win, because in the end likeability wins.

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