National Consultant Referrals, Inc.

Website design:

Opening Page with up to 5 links to other pages and an e-mail send-to link $125.00

Follow on pages, including one graphic element, 100.00 per page and links to other pages

Five page Website $499.00

CAll 800-221-3104

Contact us for quotes on websites!
Hosting and Marketing
Easy as 1.2.3.
Package 1
Package 2
Package 3
Small Business Package Complete Business Package Corporate Package
Monthly Fee $96.00 $180.00 $300.00
Domain Name Service
(InterNIC Fees also Apply)
1 domain name
1 domain name
1 domain name
Email Accounts (addresses) 1 10 25
Autoresponders 1 Unlimited! Unlimited!
Disk Storage 10MB 25MB 50MB
Network Traffic
500MB 500MB 2,000MB
Secure Server YES YES YES
Plug & Play CGI Scripts YES YES YES
Shopping Cart System Available Optional Optional Optional
Anonymous FTP Sites YES YES YES
FTP/Telnet Access YES YES YES
Supports Hottest Internet Apps YES YES YES
Resell Your Space YES YES YES
24 Hour Phone Support YES YES YES
24 Hour Email Support YES YES YES
Credit Card Merchants Accounts! Optional Optional Optional
One-time Setup Fee $96 $180 $300


Call 800-221-3104

Domain Name Service - Virtual Web Hosting

Email Accounts (addresses)


Network Traffic

Signup for Unlimited Hits!

Secure Server

Plug & Play CGI Scripts

Shopping Cart System

Anonymous FTP Sites

FTP/Telnet Access

We Support the Hottest Internet Apps

Resell Your Space

24 Hour Support

Credit Card Merchant

Contact your local bank for Domestic and Foreign Credit card Merchant Accounts

Fast Web Servers


NCRI Internet Service
3939 Eagle St. #306
San Diego, CA 92103
Phone :(800) 221-3104
Fax : (619) 296-8140

Copyright � 1998 & 2000 NCRI Internet Service. All rights reserved.