

Your Can Afford to Stay Home with Your Kids


$14.99 You Can Afford to Stay Home With Your Kids: A Step-By-Step Guide for Converting Your Family from Two Incomes to One By Malia McCawley Wyckoff, Mary Snyder, paperback, 1999.

This is the perfect book for Moms (or Dads) who want to be home with their kids but really believe they cannot afford the loss of the second income. The book is written well, with straightforward advice about how to 'run the numbers' and offers simple suggestions of easy budget cuts you won't even miss. In addition, there are ideas in the book about what to do with the kids all day once you do quit work and stay home (which, personally was one of my biggest fears.) If you have the slightest inkling that you would like to be a full time mom (or dad), I would recommend that you read this book-- and be completely honest about the section that has you detail your spending for a month. Once you see how little you are actually bringing home, you may be even more fed up with the rat race!!

I was also quite impressed with the 'stay-at-home PARENT' philosophy found throughout the book. So many books are written to moms, with a more feminine side, yet this book would be good for men to read as well. This would be a great book for hubby--whether your husband is the would be parent at home, or you would like to suggest some reading to help convince him that your decision to be a full time mom will not lead to financial ruin.

Most of the 'homemade' craft ideas are great. There are lots of things to do for rainy days, etc. (I still prefer storebought 'Play-doh' to their homemade variety, but that's just me, and it doesn't cost that much more.) In addition, there are games and activity ideas that turn your errands into adventures for the kids (and it may as well be fun, since the little darlings will be going EVERYWHERE with you!!)

Check this book out, but I warn you: by the time you finish this book, you are going to be wondering why in the world you are working outside your home at all.

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