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Web Publisher Feature List

Gather Information from Many Sources

Type into askSam's WYSIWYG word processor or import information in a variety of formats.

Integrated WYSIWYG Word Processor Includes...

      Special mode for entering structured data

      Insert Graphics and OLE Objects

      Support for Styles

      Can use all features of HTML (versions 1, 2, 3, and 4)

      Set Hypertext Links in your askSam files without Typing URL's.

      Drag & Drop Editing

      Spell Checker

      Network version allows multiple users to work in a database.

Import Filters for...

      Text (ASCII)

      askSam Dos Text Files

      askSam 4 Files



      Microsoft Word


      Microsoft Access

      Microsoft DBase/ FoxPro

      Microsoft Excel

      Microsoft Outlook 2000


      ODBC Import

      RTF files (Microsoft's Rich Text Format)

      Comma Delimited Data (CSV files)

      Tab Delimited Data

      Fixed Position Data

Powerful Searches

Find any word or phrase � anywhere in your database. No need to concern yourself with fields, indexes, or field lengths. Nothing could be simpler.

Searches ...

      Full-text searches for any word or phrase

      Wildcard searches with * and ?

      Boolean searches (AND, OR, and NOT)

      Parenthesis in Boolean search logic

      Proximity searches (in paragraph, sentence, line, or within a specific # of words)

      Numeric searches (>, <, >=, <=, <>)

      Date searches (date ranges and date comparison)

      Fuzzy searches

      Search through multiple askSam databases

Save Information from an HTML Form into a Database

Save information from any HTML form into a full-text searchable askSam database. This is a great way to take advantage of the interactive nature of a web site. Collect feedback, job applications, credit applications, product registration information, and more.

Customize your Web Site

The askSam Web Publisher gives you control over your web site. You can customize the look and feel of your site.

      All search forms are fully customizable HTML documents.

      Define a background image for all documents in a database.

      Define foreground and background colors for all documents in a database.

      Headers: define default HTML text to automatically appear at the top of all documents.

      Footers: define default HTML text to appear at the bottom of all documents.

      Help texts are customizable.

Additional Features

      Web Sites developed in askSam can be easily transported to another server.

      Use any existing askSam database - there�s no need to create a new database.

System Requirements

The Web Publisher is designed to be quick and efficient. It requires a minimal amount of resources (disk space and memory). It is also capable of running on all popular NT and Windows 95 Web Servers.

To Create Your Documents and Databases, you will need a copy of askSam or askSam Professional. To run askSam you require ...

     � 4 MB of RAM

     � 12 MB of free disk space .

     � Windows 9x, Windows ME, Windows 2000, or Windows NT with SP6 installed

To Publish Databases on the Internet, the Web Publisher requires a server with ...

     � a Windows 9x or ME machine with

     � 16 MB of RAM 32Mbs recommended

     � 5 MB of free disk space

     � a Windows 9x or 2000 32bit Web Server.


     � a Windows NT 4 SP6 (Service Pack 6) machine with

     � 32 MB of RAM,

     � 5 MB of free disk space

     � a Windows NT 32bit Web Server

askSam Web Publisher 5
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