
Texas Real Estate Sales Exam


Paperback: 288 pages; 3rd edition (February 2004), by Joseph Goeters, Peter Glover, Sherry Weston, Lloyd Hampton, Ralph Tamper, Learningexpress.

Test preparation guide for the Texas Real Estate Licensing Exam, including information on how to register for the exam and exactly what the exam covers. Includes practice exams, a glossary of real estate terms, and a review of real estate math. Previous ed: c2000. Softcover. DLC: Real estate agents--Licenses--Texas--Examinations, questions, etc.

In order to become a licensed real estate salesperson in the state of Texas, candidates must pass the Texas Real Estate Sales Exam. This exam assesses knowledge and application of national and Texas real estate laws and practices. Designed to help candidates who need to prepare for this specific state exam, this study aid includes 4 complete practice exams, a real estate refresher course, a real estate math review, a real estate glossary, as well as a free CD-ROM, all aligned to Texas standards.

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