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Guide to Handling Sales Objections

Barry Farber's Guide to Handling Sales Objections, Paperback, 160 pages, Pub Date: 10/04.

�I can get it cheaper from a competitor.�

�We�ve used your product before and didn�t like it.�

�I need to talk to my partner (spouse, boss, cat) about it.�

Barry Farber�s Guide to Handling Sales Objections is about the one thing that many salespeople�especially those just starting out�fear the most: Objections. That�s when the customer says, �I can�t buy your product or service because��

While every salesperson understands that objections are part of the territory, they are not always ready to handle every one of them on the spot. Barry Farber not only knows how to handle any objection that can arise, he knows the difference between techniques that work and tricks intended to fool customers into buying, but which usually end up losing the sale.

Its handy size makes it easy for any salesperson to carry along on the call, giving him or her the ammunition he or she needs when those fateful objections come up�and they always do. Each chapter explains a particular family of objections, why they come up, how to uncover the prospect�s real concerns, and how to close the sale.

Barry Farber�s Guide to Handling Sales Objections is based on the author�s real-world experience� Barry doesn�t just write best-selling sales books, he runs a business that markets products to billion dollar corporations every day. And it includes �quick tips� not just from Barry, but also from top salespeople in a wide variety of industries.

Barry Farber is the president of Farber Training Systems and the Diamond Marketing Group. He is one of America's most dynamic and entertaining speakers and the author of ten books on sales, management, and personal achievement, including Superstar Sales Secrets and Diamond Power.

Guide to Handling Sales Objections

SKU CP1-56414-773-8
