Conquer Your Competition - Complete Printed Manual



Printed CONQUER YOUR COMPETITION (All 4 manuals in 1)


If you have any managerial responsibilities you should have this manual in your success kit. It offers a company wide view of an ogranization and its operations. The VCG Consulting team has in depth experience in business ranging from start-up to seasoned operations. The problems you can expect in selling your product or service are identified. You gain the insight to help you build the efficient operations necessary to reach profitability rapidly.

Conquer Your Competition: The Complete Manual

Table of Contents

Executive Summary...... 12

This manual�s objective... 13

The major business functions... 14

Accounting and/or Finance......... 14

Sales......... 14

Marketing......... 14

Manufacturing and/or primary Service......... 14

Administration......... 14

HR......... 14

Engineering/programming......... 15

Service operations......... 15

Information Systems......... 15

What�s it all about?........ 16

Starting out... 17

The situations in which we find ourselves... 18

Myopia. 19

Where do you start to build sales in tough times?. 20

Do they need it? 21

Businessmen who helped. 22

What are the components of a successful business?...... 23

Management 25

The owner and CEO... 26

Who are you?......... 26

I�m busy running the business - I can�t take time to plan... 27

The rule for disaster......... 27

Who is watching the business?......... 27

It is probably not written......... 28

Where do you spend your time?......... 29

Chinese fire drills......... 29

Useless interaction?......... 30

Unplanned activities......... 31

What are your plans?. 32

The plan�s mix......... 32

Plan aids......... 33

What business are you in? 34

Are you selling ladders or are you in the access business?......... 34

Expanded horizons......... 34

What benefits are you providing your customer?......... 35

Business styles. 36

Let me do this for you......... 36

How are the customers viewing your offerings?......... 37

General......... 37

Specialized......... 38

What does the customer expect?......... 38

Leading edge technology......... 39

Technology caveats......... 40

No goals... 41

Lack of clear objectives......... 41

What are you trying to accomplish?......... 41

When are you trying to accomplish it by?......... 41

Who is going to accomplish it?......... 42

How are they going to accomplish it?......... 42

Move really quickly now......... 43

Common objectives defined?......... 43

What do I get out of this?......... 44

Fish bones......... 44

No one in charge. 46

No functional organization defined......... 46

The maladies......... 47

A cure......... 47

Reality sets in......... 47

Hunting groups......... 49

Old organizational problems......... 49

Business processes......... 50

Business functions... 51

Accounting and/or Finance......... 51

Sales......... 51

Marketing......... 51

Manufacturing and/or primary service......... 52

Administration......... 52

HR......... 52

Engineering / programming......... 53

Service operations......... 53

No clear operating policies 54

So what happens when policies are strictly enforced?......... 54

What are good policies?......... 54

How do you deal with bad policies?......... 55

Lack of clear processes......... 55

Undefined information flows......... 56

It�s a Black Forest clock......... 56

Step by step......... 56

I need my space......... 57

No task breakdowns......... 57

The steam engine......... 58

This tastes awful......... 58

It didn�t happen on my shift!......... 59

Gee I wish I could......... 59

What resources are available?......... 60

Crash schedules costs and calamity......... 60

Warp speed......... 61

Do you have a budget?......... 62

What specialized skills are needed?......... 62

What�s the Schedule?......... 62

Who needs strategy - let�s just do it... 64

What markets do we enter first?......... 64

With what do we enter them?......... 65

Are we the price leader?......... 65

Where else can you lead?......... 66

Why are they successful?......... 66

Mine�s almost just like yours......... 66

Wait until you see this......... 67

We are in real trouble - now what?......... 68

Fast competitive company evaluation......... 68

Fast competitive product evaluation......... 68

Competitor capability analysis......... 69

What�s wrong with being responsible?. 70

Who has the authority to operate the company?... 71

Decisions Decisions Decisions... 73

Take the reins......... 73

Hail to the chief......... 74

Good decisions......... 74

Decision facilitation......... 75

Marketing...... 76

Why position anything?... 77

How does the customer think of us?......... 77

How does the customer think of your products?......... 78

Hidden persuaders......... 78

The advertisers� mission......... 79

It�s better because......... 80

Is cheaper better?......... 80

It�s really worth it - honest......... 80

How are you going to get the word out?... 81

What marketing?......... 81

Would you do this?......... 81

Can you get their attention?......... 82

Let them show you how......... 82

What else do they do?......... 82

Buy it when, where, how?......... 83

A little motivation goes a long way......... 83

Well we know it�s not perfect......... 84

Hot button?......... 84

All that for nothing......... 85

Believe it......... 85

A consultant�s tale......... 86

Market research failures......... 86

Mirror mirror on the wall......... 88

If I�d only had that idea......... 89

What advertising?......... 90

My advertising goal is......... 90

PR?... 92

So we use PR......... 92

I took 2 and it didn�t work......... 92

Common PR mistakes......... 93

What�s viral or guerilla marketing?......... 94

Channels sort themselves out... 96

How are we going to sort this out?......... 96

Sell it today......... 96

The perfect distribution model......... 97

Two choices......... 97

So whose supply chain are you in?......... 97

What to do now?......... 98

Where does it go?......... 99

Distribution strategies......... 99

How about that?  It ties together......... 100

Salesman and commissions......... 100

Distributors and margins......... 102

We�ll save money - tell them it�s a house account......... 102

Representatives and commissions......... 102

Representatives� associations......... 103

Retail distribution......... 103

We have no competition 104

Look harder......... 104

If you don�t they will......... 104

They are slow......... 104

Check your mirror......... 105

We have all the business we need......... 106

We are the greatest. 107

Believing one�s own PR......... 107

No one can compete with us......... 107

Are your antennas up?......... 108

Were you last month�s big news? 110

They will never forget us......... 110

Our customers are loyal......... 111

You are as good as your last ten days......... 111

Is your customer recommending you?......... 112

Cultural customs and language. 113

What do you mean that�s a ridiculous name?......... 113

Why are they closed for six weeks?......... 113

Sales...... 115

Just plain sales. 116

Planning for the sale......... 116

Executing the presentation......... 117

Closing the sale......... 118

Who needs sales support?  Just sell �em!. 121

Type of sale......... 121

Conventions of the industry......... 122

Nah, we�re different......... 122

Define your client......... 123

HR. 125

We�re one big family 126

Who�s dad?......... 126

Who�s mom?......... 127

Kids, etc.......... 128

Let�s all get together......... 131

Training, training, training!. 134

What do we get out of it?......... 134

How can we help them to learn?......... 134

Who has the pabulum?. 137

It�s for the ears of the Lords only......... 137

Don�t want to hear no bad news......... 137

Blah, Blah, Blah......... 138

I�m not really going to tell you......... 139

Is everyone happy?......... 140

Let�s play hide and seek. 141

Unions 142

Information Systems...... 145

So where�s the information?. 146

What are the pitfalls in new systems development?. 147

Computerize the old......... 147

Compromised into oblivion......... 147

The system is way behind schedule......... 147

The implementation is floundering......... 148

Everyone�s in charge......... 148

Management�s not on board......... 148

Finance...... 149

Insurance. 150

It�s useless until you need it......... 150

Lease it. 152

Rental leases for your physical facilities.......... 152

Let�s lease the equipment......... 153

Exchange rates. 155

How did his uncle get to set the official rates?......... 155

What do you mean no one wants the money?......... 155

What did the letter of credit say?......... 156

How can they control how much he can pay?......... 156

So who has the money?. 157

Keep the cash moving......... 157

Money floats......... 158

But accountant said it was OK......... 159

We�re in financial trouble again?......... 160

You expect a leap of faith?......... 161

Legal...... 164

Laws of agency 165

What can they say?......... 165

What if they ignore the rules?......... 165

Who gets sued?......... 165

Verbal contracts. 166

I was just kidding......... 166

I can rely on him......... 166

Avoidance......... 166

International. 167

Say it isn�t so......... 167

I�ve just given him tenure......... 167

Compliance-to standards. 170

Safety......... 170

Intended use......... 170

Who wrote the instructions?......... 170

Certification......... 171

Liabilities. 172

Trade quotas 173

They may love it but you can�t ship it......... 173

What�s it made of?......... 173

Who gives dispensation beside the pope?......... 174

How can I keep them from shipping it here?......... 174

Security, or who�s watching the goods?. 175

You�re on camera......... 175

Why you always need a lawyer 177

Manufacturing...... 179

Are you big enough to play?. 180

Are you up to the game?......... 180

Can you meet your customer�s demands?......... 181

Oh my oh my......... 181

Great, you got the order - now what?......... 181

I thought they said......... 182

The truth be told......... 182

Another way......... 183

They don�t want it anymore?......... 183

Your most trusted supplier burned down......... 184

It can�t happen here......... 184

Calamities and force majeur......... 184

We are not going to pay you......... 185

What are you fixing?......... 186

Why do customers keep complaining about our stuff?. 187

Why do they have to have support?......... 187

Why can�t they figure it out?......... 187

Turn up, turn down?......... 188

It weighs a stone, laddy......... 188

They say it keeps breaking.......... 188

Why does our quality suck?......... 189

Built how?......... 189

Where does it all come from?......... 190

From where do you get your ingredients?......... 190

How do we buy it?......... 191

Is cheaper better?......... 192

So what are the ways you can buy things?......... 192

Where can I shop?......... 193

Packaging. 194

We just shipped it in our own box......... 194

What do you mean we have to clean it up?......... 194

How do I get it there?......... 195

No one goes there anymore......... 195

Conclusion.. 196

What are the things that will help you?. 197

Appendix A: Business process...... 198

Appendix B: Business plan 205

The plan�s executive summary......... 205

The business......... 205

The problem......... 205

Market opportunity......... 205

Market strategy......... 205

Products......... 206

Customers / accomplishments......... 206

Competitive summary......... 206

Distribution plan......... 206

Growth plan......... 206

Management team......... 206

Financials......... 207

The goal of the business plan......... 208

Appendix C: The Conquest Planning Method �... 209

The Conquest Planning Table. 210

Words of interaction. 213

Use the method. 215


Meet the team...... 218

Mr. Rene Vishney......... 218

Mr. Mike Mellin......... 219

Mr. Edward W. Pullen......... 219

Dr. Jon Peddie......... 219

Mr. Daniel W. Zipkin......... 220

Mr. David Lewis......... 220

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