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20 Questions to Ask If You Have a Great Idea or Invention

Author: Michael H. Jester, Registered Patent Attorney, 160 pages, 5 1/4 x 8 1/4, Paper

Eureka! You just came up with a brilliant invention. Now what? Wouldn�t it be great if an experienced patent lawyer answered the basic questions that nearly every novice inventor has? Here are just a few:

� Do I need to build my invention and see if it�s practical?
� Should I engage an invention promotion company?
� How do I start a business based on my invention?
� Would it be better to license my patent rights to a company?
� How do I get a patent, how long will it take, and how much will it cost?
� How much money can I expect to make if I get a patent?

20 Questions to Ask If You Have a Great Idea or Invention is written in a straightforward style, without legalese. It highlights many real-world examples, from the patented low-tech method for making dippin� dots� ice cream to the high-tech patented eHarmony.com romantic matchmaking service. Helpful and entertaining illustrations taken from actual U.S. patents are included throughout the book. Crucial information is provided to ensure that you don�t lose the rights to your potentially valuable invention, including time limits for seeking a patent, steps to preserving evidence of your priority, and safeguards for disclosing your invention to third parties.

Abraham Lincoln said that the introduction of patent laws was one of the three most important developments in world history, declaring that �the patent system added the fuel of interest to the fire of genius.� In other words, people will be motivated to invent if they know they can profit from their effort. Lincoln knew firsthand about patents�he�s the only President ever granted one.

Michael H. Jester, a registered patent attorney, is well qualified to answer the basic questions frequently posed by inventors. He has practiced patent law for 30 years, during which he has prepared and prosecuted more than 400 patent applications for large companies, such as IBM, Hewlett-Packard and Medtronic, as well as many small companies and individual inventors. Jester has also handled patent litigation and served as an expert witness in patent law. He holds undergraduate and law degrees from the University of California, where he was a part-time instructor on intellectual property law for five years. Jester resides and practices patent law in Coronado, California.

20 Questions to Ask If You Have a Great Idea or Invention
SKU CP1-56414-865-3